Check out our self-storage price comparison chart with real examples to see just how much you could save when choosing a smaller self-storage facility or switching from one of the big name companies. Some of the companies in our table below did not want to be named on our comparison site and you can see why when some of them are charging more than 3 times their competitors.

<!– –><!– Big Yellow –><!– SafeStore –><!– Access –>

Unit Size / Cost per week Company A Company B Company C Company D
10 sq ft £8.90 £27.60 £12.88 £19.86
35 sq ft £18.90 £50.10 £28.88 £42.73
160 sq ft £46.80 £169.20 £82.88 £127.02
320 sq ft £82.80 £300.90 no option £212.47
Collection Costs FREE* Cost of van hire, fuel and time
Prices Fixed 5 Years NO, can be changed at 4 weeks’ notice NO, can be changed at 20 days’ notice NO, can be changed at 4 weeks’ notice

Prices correct as of March 2019. These prices are the standard rates excluding any introductory discounts. Discounts vary between providers.

In the table above we have compared a small self storage facility (Company A) that covers London and the South East with 3 big name companies with large, familiar warehouse facilities in many parts of the UK. As you can see from these figures you could be overpaying for a typical self storage unit by £1,000’s per year.

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